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Chile in a few words

Considered one of the most stable economies in Latin America, Chile's economy constitutes a "model" for the Latin American region. ​


With GDP growth of 11.7% in 2021, Chile is experiencing a spectacular rebound in activity after the health crisis. ​


With a transparent and independent judicial system, Chile is the country least affected by corruption in Latin America.

A good country to invest?

As an OECD member country, Chile has a solid and efficient banking system with stable infrastructure and significant legal security.


It is the 2nd most attractive country in South America, behind Brazil. The Chilean government pursues a policy favorable to business and the generation of economic opportunities. Very liberal, it allows the rapid creation of businesses. ​


Many French companies have established themselves in Chile and are taking advantage of the double taxation agreement signed with France.

Our Clients

At Gorioux Chile, we support entrepreneurs, Chilean subsidiaries, SMEs and investors in a wide range of sectors:







Wine culture



We are your privileged partner to guide you
in setting up and developing your business in Chile!

  • What is UF?
    The "Unidad de Fomento" is a Chilean economic index created to limit the risks linked to inflation. This economic index corresponds to a value in Chilean peso (36,000 on 12/2023) which is adjusted every day according to the variation in the CPI (index which reflects the cost of living in Chile). The objective of this indicator is to constitute a measure of the value of the national currency in order to overcome the illusion of inflation. The UF is widely used in high value contracts to determine the values of real estate, loans and others.
  • Which visa should I choose for Chile?
    There are several types of visas for Chile, depending on the length and purpose of your stay. The five main visa categories are: - Tourist visa: intended for visitors entering the country without settling there. - Family reunification visa: intended for spouses and family members of a Chilean resident - Temporary residence visa for foreigners: intended for foreigners living in Chile, allowing them to work and carry out commercial activities - Student visa for foreigners: intended for students enrolled in educational institutions in Chile - Work visa: intended for foreigners with a work contract with a company on Chilean soil (maximum duration of 2 years)
  • What is RUT?
    The RUT (Rol Único Tributario) is an 8 or 9 digit number which serves as an identifier for each natural and legal person. It is unique to each person and never changes. It is automatically generated when the Registro Civil issues an identity card. It is necessary for many procedures in Chile (purchase of goods, issuing invoices, opening a bank account, taking out an internet subscription, registering for health insurance and others). The RUT is an essential element for being able to work in Chile because it allows you to receive a salary and pay your contributions. It is possible to obtain a temporary RUT if the person does not yet have a Chilean identity card
  • When am I a tax resident in Chile?
    According to Chilean law, a natural person who is not a national of the country is considered a Colombian tax resident when he or she stays in Chile for more than 183 days during a period of 365 consecutive calendar days.
  • Can I be a tax resident in France and Chile?
    It is possible to be considered a tax resident in several countries, including France and Chile. However, to avoid double taxation, France signed an international convention with Chile, in force in 2007. This tax convention makes it possible to resolve any conflict of double tax residence in favor of one of the two countries.
  • Do I have to declare my non-tax residence in France?
    If you are considered a non-tax resident in France and if you have taxable income from French sources after your departure, you must notify your change of address in Chile to the French tax administration and complete a tax return to the non-resident tax service.
  • Do we pay VAT in Chile?
    The sales tax (IVA = Impuesto Valor Agregado) is 19% and applies to many value-added items. There are still services exempt from VAT: - Transportation - Health - Education - Cultural services provided by cultural associations For businesses, it is during the monthly declaration (Form F29) that the balance is established between VAT debits (generated by income) and credits (generated by expenses).
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